Holidays for days

Since we last left our sarcastic hero, I had just run my mental road block of fourteen miles and killed it, finished out my fall semester and was looking forward to break and holidays with many plans of which I was going to accomplish! In reality, I have accomplished zero of those things, crammed finishing my holiday shopping in the middle of the worst days of work I’ve ever experienced, and somehow Christmas came in went in a delightful blaze of glory that was definitely not long enough.

Holidays with my family are always super low-key and easy. It’s basically an excuse for us all to get together, eat, and then nap. I had to cram my run in Christmas morning before opening of presents (I’m the only runner in the family and I know my place as the black sheep), and then it was eat, drink, and be merry for the rest of the day.

One of my running related presents is registration for an upcoming trail race, something that I have never taken part in but I like to challenge and attempt to destroy myself in many ways. It will be interesting to see how this ends up with my trail experience being quite limited but the course description did say that it was “open for all levels of experience”.. right up my alley.

Now it is almost the New Year and I feel like I need to do a dramatic year end reflection blog but I will spare everyone that drama for another day. Right now, I’m in a happy place where I’m at and I am trying to focus on living through the terrible winter weather we are experiencing. I know that I can be a super wussy southerner, but running in 30 degrees and drizzle is not on my list of things I enjoy.

I hope that anyone reading this has had a lovely holiday season and a  Happy New Year ahead of them!