Catching up-

My return to running has been harder work than I ever imagined. I have been trying to be conservative and careful while also returning quick enough to not lose entry and hotel fees on any more races. It has been an extremely hard balancing act and so far I have just managed it. I had forgotten how painful and hard it is to get back into running shape and I can’t wait until I act like a five mile pace run ain’t no thang!

So with an entire month of running behind my I have so far run one 8k, a 10 miler, and a half marathon. I am definitely not in “racing shape” but was able to use these races as a nice distraction to get some longer mileage in. The 8k is organized by a local run club that I am a part of at a wonderful afternoon race with Oktoberfest games and beer afterwards. Plus it is always great to have another day to hang out with run cub friends (even though I am an antisocial grumpy cat).

I have to confess that I have never done a 10 mile race before (what is this less than a half marathon crap?) but since I train on the American Tobacco Trail all the time I felt like it was a great excuse to 1) get my last long run in before the half with company and motivation, 2) not have to carry any water thanks to water stops (so lazy), and 3) get an amazingly cool pint glass as a finishers prize which I could (and did) fill with delicious beer. I really enjoyed this race and will add it to my calendar in all future years in order to get as many glasses as I can!



The first week of November is always a packed weekend for races in North Carolina with the City of Oaks races and the Battleship North Carolina half marathon. I had signed up through the running club I formed with friends at work and I pretty much worked my out-of-shape booty hard core in order to be able to get to this race (sort of) fit. Everyone else was running their first half marathon at this race and so it made it special to be able to relive it with them as the Battleship was also my first half. So even though this is half #9 in my tally it was like starting over again. I promised to pace one of the ladies and enjoyed taking it easy. The race is timed for perfect running weather but a cold snap made it a little brisk and there was some gusty wind around the bridges and water front! I about froze my shorts off and ended up cutting away from my friend at about mile 9 to stretch my legs and finish in some nice 7:30 min miles. Felt great to be able to pretend to be in shape for a few seconds before the crushing gravity of how fit I really am came crashing back down on my pitiful soul. Afterwards there was plenty of celebrating and partying to be had!

I have another 8k on Thanksgiving to run (a tradition for me) and then a half marathon in December which I will be helping to pace a friend who is running a full on the same course. I am hoping to be closer to my usual race pace for that and if I feel good to have fun adding in a little kick towards the end. I am not putting any pressure on myself though because I am not willing to push myself if I am not ready. I would rather have some nice easy races, then try for something I am not capable of and be disappointed. If anything this injury has taught me that I need to enjoy and be content where I am at in that moment on each run and forget about my times before. I will be back to my usual paces once I am ready but for now I am focusing on laying the ground work. I am only about 30-45 seconds off right now which is really not that huge of a difference.

I am choosing to learn and grow from this experience more and more each day and looking forewords to using this to my advantage for many more years of running.

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